Examples of SMART Goals

Physical activity examples:

  • I will walk briskly around my block in the morning, right after I wake up, for at least 15 minutes every day this week.

  • I will take the stairs up the three flights to my office at least once each day that I am at work this week.​

Eat wisely examples:

  • I will add a green salad to my dinner meal two nights per week for the next two weeks.

  • I will eat a graham cracker with peanut butter for my evening snack instead of a brownie or cookie.

Involvement in your health care examples:

  • I will write down my questions about my blood pressure medicine before I go to my clinic appointment next week and keep it in my wallet so I don’t forget to take it.

  • This week, I will find out from my health care team how to sign up for the online medical portal to see my blood test results online.

  • Over the weekend, I will make a list of all my medications, what they are for, and when to take them. I will take the list with me to my next appointment and ask the nurse to make sure it is correct and up to date.

Be tobacco-free examples:

  • I will take my doctor up on that offer for nicotine patches and see if I can get the script filled today. My quit date will be the first of the month. Meanwhile, I will gather all my lighters and ashtrays and throw them out since I am quitting for good.

  • When I get a strong urge for a cigarette, I will chew some nicotine gum as my doctor suggested.     

  • I will tell my Care Partner and my friends that I am quitting this weekend to help me instead of offering me cigarettes. 

Limit alcohol examples:

  • I will set myself a two-drink limit for each day, starting today—just two 12-ounce bottles of beer, at the most. I really think I can do this on my own, but if I don’t limit it to two, I will accept your offer for some help.

  • I’ll let my buddies know that I’d appreciate their support by not pushing me to have more after my two beers are finished.    ​

Strive for healthy weight examples:

  • I will start using a food diary and write down everything I eat, starting tomorrow.

  • I will cut down on calories by switching to flavored seltzer water instead of soda, starting with this week’s grocery shopping.

  • I will increase my exercise time to 30 minutes of walking the dog every evening, at least 5 times a week, starting tonight.

Manage stress examples:

  • I have a music CD that always calms me down. I will listen to it at least once a day, either right after work or before I go to bed, starting today.

  • When I get frustrated, I’ll go outside for some fresh air. I’ll walk up and down the block to clear my head.