Aaron Lee, PhD

I am currently an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Mississippi. As a postdoctoral fellow, I assisted Dr. Rosland with the delivery and evaluation of the CO-IMPACT program. In addition, we have collaborated on several studies examining psychosocial correlates of disease self-management and health outcomes among patient-supporter dyads. For example, two recent studies examine the role autonomy support for disease self-management from important family members and friends of patients with type 2 diabetes. See selected publications below:

My current program of research examines psychological and social factors that contribute to sub-optimal health behaviors among adults with chronic disease. Specifically, my research is focused on improving our current understanding of the ways that psychological vulnerabilities (e.g., disease related distress and mental health conditions) and various types of social support impact patients’ ability to effectively manage their chronic health conditions – particularly among adults with diabetes.

In my spare time, I like spending time outdoors and creating new home-brew recipes.