Positive and Helpful Conversation

One of the best things a Care Partner can do to help is to LISTEN.

Sometimes just being able to talk with another person can help a person with diabetes think through what they need to do. Listening can help them see steps they can take to improve their health. You can offer to help them with their next steps.

Having diabetes can be frustrating, so you should try to encourage your friend or loved one whenever you can. Try to accept that they are responsible for their diabetes care choices and actions.

People tend to be more successful at living healthier when motivation comes from within themselves. They are free to choose what they feel are the best ways to stay healthy.


  • Ask them for their problem-solving ideas before offering your own.

  • Offer your ideas as choices instead of telling them what to do.

  • Congratulate them for trying to change, even if they are not successful.

  • Congratulate them for the changes they do make, no matter how small.

  • Acknowledge that managing diabetes can be frustrating.

  • Try to really understand what they are feeling and going through before offering suggestions.


  • Criticize or judge – listen, encourage, be available, help them remember, troubleshoot, be regular and consistent, and be involved.

  • Take over, even if you may feel that it would be easier if you did. Be a helper, not the boss. 

  • Tell them what to do – make suggestions, but ultimately it’s their decision.